Unconventional Assistance

Our talented crew recently returned to the Our Lady of the Lourdes Parish to carefully take down the final two of the twelve stations of the cross to be sent out for refurbishment. Our Lady of the Lourdes has been dutifully taking down two stations at a time, so that the paintings may be cleaned and restored.  In the past, another (haphazard) restoration of the twelve paintings left the works dull with thick coats of varnish. Some of the works even had whole characters painted out; during the restoration of the first station, what once was a mountain and sky revealed a centurion on a horse that had been painted over.

Who knows what will be revealed in these final two stations, we look forward to seeing the final, cleaned products when we go back to Our Lady of the Lourdes to hang them back up.  After our work at the church was completed, our crew drove over to the Huntington Convention Center to deliver and hang a painting for display in one of their lobby areas. The Convention Center showcases many works of local artists to decorate the huge space. This piece was by local artist Eileen Dorsey, who has a space at Cleveland’s 78th Street Studios. Our crew hung the large painting with care and precision and the seating area immediately feels more comfortable and complete.