Missing the Role of Residential Estimator - Video

President of Berea Moving & Storage and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler, Lisa Holly, talks about her initial role as a Life Change Coordinator...and how she still performs the duties, when needed.


Hi, Lisa. Glad to have you again, today.

I know that your original role in the moving industry was as a residential estimator...

And sometimes you've said you actually missed that role. Can you tell me a little bit about that?

Yes, Brian. Well actually, I will say, yes, I miss it, but also to know that I'm still here.

If anybody needs me specifically, I am glad to help. But as a residential estimator, I felt that I was a life change coordinator. And what I mean by that is no one wants move... You might wanna get to that house, but you don't want to do the process.

So, I am... I like to hold hands. I like to help. I like to get it through, so that it's smooth by the other end. So, yeah, I definitely miss it. I miss the people, the babies, the stories, the little old ladies that I just, you know, enjoy having coffee with, but I'm still here.

Again, I'm still here and always willing to help. So thanks for asking, Brian.

Absolutely. It's good to know that if your special touch is needed, it's there and available.

So thank you, Lisa.

You're, welcome.